Alcohol Treatment Center in Weston, NJ.

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Alcohol Treatment Center New Jersey

Breaking Free from Addiction: How an Alcohol Treatment Center in Weston, NJ Can Help

Somerset County’s Premier Holistic Addiction Treatment Center 

Lifetime Recovery Center, a leading alcohol treatment center in Weston, NJ, is dedicated to helping individuals break free from the grip of alcohol addiction. For years, we have been committed to providing residents of Somerset County with compassionate care. With a focus on holistic healing, our alcohol treatment center is your sanctuary for change. Our experienced team will help to guide you toward a life free from alcohol dependence. Don’t let alcoholism control you any longer. Reach out to us today at 844-896-8156 and take that courageous first step towards a healthier, happier tomorrow. Your journey to recovery is just a phone call away.

Dedicated Professional Team Members

New Treatment Methods

A Safe and Structured Environment

Alcohol Treatment Center New Jersey

Why Choose Lifetime Recovery Center for Alcoholism Treatment? 

If you or a loved one is struggling with alcohol addiction, Lifetime Recovery Center, a full-service holistic alcohol treatment center in Weston, NJ, is here to provide you with the support and care you need. We understand that seeking help for alcoholism can be a difficult decision, but it is a crucial step towards reclaiming your life. Our commitment to your well-being is unwavering, and we’re here to help you break free from the chains of alcohol dependence.

Below, we highlight just some of the benefits of attending our alcohol rehab center and how we can help lead you to alcohol addiction recovery and a healthier, happier life.

  1. Comprehensive Alcohol Addiction Treatment

At Lifetime Recovery Center, we offer holistic addiction treatment programs tailored to your unique needs. Our dedicated team of professionals is committed to helping you break free from alcohol dependence and achieve lasting recovery. Our alcohol treatment center in Weston, NJ provides a safe and supportive environment where you can focus on your healing journey.

  1. Personalized Care Plans

We recognize that every individual’s journey through alcohol addiction is unique. That’s why we create personalized alcoholism treatment plans that address your specific challenges and goals. Our experienced therapists and counselors work closely with you to develop a plan that combines evidence-based therapies, counseling, and support groups to maximize your chances of success.

  1. Holistic Approach to Recovery

Our holistic addiction treatment approach goes beyond addressing the physical aspects of alcohol addiction. We believe in treating the whole person, including the mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of recovery. Through mindfulness practices, yoga, meditation, and nutritional support, we help you achieve balance and overall well-being.

  1. Supportive Community

At Lifetime Recovery Center, you are not alone in your journey to alcohol addiction recovery. Our alcohol treatment center in Weston, NJ fosters a sense of community and belonging. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with others in Somerset County who are facing similar challenges, providing mutual support and encouragement.

  1. Aftercare and Relapse Prevention

Recovery from alcohol addiction is an ongoing process, and our commitment to your well-being extends beyond your time at our alcohol rehab center. We provide comprehensive aftercare and relapse prevention programs to help you maintain sobriety and build a strong foundation for a sober future.

Alcohol Treatment Center New Jersey

Embrace a Brighter Tomorrow

Lifetime Recovery Center is your trusted partner on the path to overcoming alcohol addiction. Our alcohol treatment center in Weston, NJ offers comprehensive, personalized care, a holistic approach to recovery, and a supportive community. Don’t let alcoholism hold you back any longer. Contact us at 844-896-8156 today, and together, we’ll pave the way to a brighter, alcohol-free future. Your journey towards a healthier, happier life begins now.

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Heinrich/Henry Schenck built a grist mill on the east bank of the Millstone here, probably in the 1740s. His brother, Peter, built a mill upstream at Blackwells Mills about the same time and both were called Schenck’s Mill. Three of Henry’s sons, Abraham, John and Henry were in the second graduating class of 14 students of the newly founded Queen’s College that later became Rutgers University. His daughter, Gertrude Schenck, married Fredrick Frelinghuysen, son of the Dutch-reformed minister and tutor to the boys at Queen’s College. Frelinghuysen would attend the Continental Congress, rise to rank of Major General, and become a US Senator and US District Attorney. Fredrick and Gertrude would start the #6 ranked political dynasty in American history. In 2018, U.S. Representative from New Jersey, Rodney Frelinghuysen retired, ending the dynasty.

The second owner of the mill was Abraham Van Neste, from 1771-1797. During his tenure, on January 21, 1777, there was a skirmish at the mill, known as the Battle of Millstone or the Battle of Van Nest’s Mill, between a British foraging party of about 600 troops, sent out of New Brunswick by General Cornwallis, seeking the large quantity of flour they believed was stored there and a party of about 450 militia including Frelinghuysen and the Schencks, commanded by General Philemon Dickinson. With the bridge at Weston guarded by the British, the American force had to wade across the waist deep, ice-filled river. Nevertheless, they so surprised the foraging party the British retreated without ever firing a single one of their three field pieces. In their haste, the British left behind 43 wagons, 164 horses, 118 cattle, 70 sheep and 12 soldiers who became prisoners. In the skirmish, 5 Americans were lost but the British lost about 30 men.

When William Rodgers owned the mill between 1823 and 1843, he changed the name to Weston, purportedly to reflect the name used at the time for an area across the river from the mill.

Learn more about Weston.

Reclaim Your Life: Seek Help at Our Alcohol Treatment Center!